Hidden Savings Secret

Hidden Savings Secret Today’s interest rates are at their lowest levels. Home prices are more affordable today than they were in the entire past decade. Owning a home is often less expensive than renting – even without looking at the biggest hidden secret to savings. In fact, tax savings and benefits are often unknown to new and […]

5 Overlooked Perks of Good Credit

There are many benefits to having good credit, and, if you have bad credit, to repairing it. Now, we all know that a poor use of credit, paying high interest to big credit companies, is a money waster for everyone. However, there are a lot of perks for people who use credit to their advantage. […]

Why Credit Repair Takes Time

Honestly we wish we had a magic wand that could fix all negative credit reporting in one go, but unfortunately, credit repair doesn’t work that way. As with any kind of rehabilitation, credit repair takes time. Remember that your credit report is a history, it lets lenders know how you’ve managed credit over long periods […]

7 Tips To Maintaining Good Credit

1. Pay Your Bills On Time Being late on payments is the number one contributor to poor credit. Just pay on time, even if you’re paying the minimum balance, if it’s on time, it doesn’t hurt you. Collections have a major impact on your score, so avoid those altogether by paying your bills on time. […]

3 Actions You Can Take Right Now to Improve Your Credit Score

While credit repair does take time, there are a few actions you can take right now to improve your score. 1. Check Your Credit Report Credit repair begins with your credit report. If you choose to have a free credit consultation with us, that’s where we’ll begin. If you haven’t already, request a copy of […]

Why Land is the no. 1 Overlooked Real Estate Investment

Vacant land is one of the best, and most underappreciated, real estate investments in the world. And yet, so few investors specialize in it. Why? Most investors view land as a weak investment because it just sits there, doing nothing. It’s a common thought, but a totally flawed one. Vacant land can absolutely be a […]

7 Things to Look For When Buying Vacant Land

There are warning signs in every real estate deal, but land is its own beast altogether, and therefore plays by a different set of rules. There are a number of things that need to be addressed and evaluated before even considering purchasing a parcel of land – we know what not to do, because we’ve […]

Why Buying Land from an Investor Simplifies Your Life

Over and over, with land, we see this process from market to sold. It’ goes like this: A seller puts their land on the market and they price it too high. Then a buyer comes along and makes an offer, usually it’s too low. The ‘just right’ price (that reflects the actual value of the […]

What Is Rent to Own?

A rent to own agreement gives the buyer control of a property, not full ownership, with the ‘option’ to purchase the property at the end of the contract period. Essentially it is a contract to buy a property with an extended closing date. That way you, as the buyer, have time to save a down […]

3 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Renting to Own

A lease option can work out beautifully for you as the buyer if you walk into the arrangement with your eyes open. We want everyone to succeed in their dream of homeownership, so here are three questions you need to ask yourself before you decide that renting to own is for you. 1. Will You […]